Last club: Charlton Athletic 
Previous clubs: Bristol City, Portsmouth, IpswichLast club: Charlton Athletic 
Previous clubs: Bristol City, Portsmouth, Ipswich
Last club: Charlton Athletic Previous clubs: Bristol City, Portsmouth, Ipswich

Here's 15 free agents with League One and Two experience who may be of interest to Doncaster Rovers

New boss Grant McCann is on the lookout for new players to revive Doncaster Rovers’ faltering squad for next season.

In a competitive market a bargain free agent player will no doubt catch the eye, with plenty still up for grabs after being released from their clubs.

Here are 15 such players who last played in League One and Two before being out of contract and may be of interest to clubs around the league. (*Information supplied by the website)

Would you like to see any of these players at Rovers and why? Let us know via our social media channels.

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Would you like to see any of these players at Rovers and why? Let us know via our social media channels.

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