Isle drivers warned - hands off mobiles

A police campaign to stop people using mobile phones when driving, to save lives, will run throughout May 2014.

use of mobile phones when behind the wheel is right up there with speed, drugs and alcohol as a main cause of road collisions.

During May, officers from across the force’s roads policing team will be targeting those who use their phones when driving. Anyone caught doing so could face three points on their licence and a £90 fine.

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Use of social media has increased the potential for people risking their lives, say police.

Reading a text, making a phone call or updating a status takes precedence over safe driving. But just a couple of seconds of lapsed concentration on the road can be fatal.

Research shows that driving responses of people who use mobile phones or hand held devices while driving are comparable with a driver who has consumed twice the legal alcohol limit. People who may never consider drinking and driving might consider picking up a phone.

Legislation from December 2003 prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving. The fine of £60 and three points has now been raised to £90.

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PC Simon Carlisle, Casualty Reduction Officer for the East Riding, said: “When used properly, mobile phones in cars may have many benefits. They can provide valuable security and help in an emergency. However, they are distracting if used while driving and this increases the risk of collision.

“This campaign is aimed at highlighting the serious implications, that using your mobile phone while driving could have on other road users, and your own life. Just the couple of minutes taken to use that phone could result in a fatal collision, a child being knocked over or you coming off the road. If that text or phone call is so important pull over in a safe place, and then answer it.

“To ensure safe driving you must concentrate. Talking on the phone, texting or updating social media distracts your attention from the road. You cannot be in full control of your vehicle if using a mobile phone while driving. Please think about this, as it could result in more than a fine. You could find yourself facing a jail sentence.”

See what officers from across the force are doing to help raise awareness, by following them on Twitter. Follow them on @HumberbeatRoads and use the #ignitiononphoneoff