Tony was born in 1943  in Conisbrough and is best known for his recording of "(Is This The Way To) Amarillo", a double UK chart success.Tony was born in 1943  in Conisbrough and is best known for his recording of "(Is This The Way To) Amarillo", a double UK chart success.
Tony was born in 1943  in Conisbrough and is best known for his recording of "(Is This The Way To) Amarillo", a double UK chart success.

12 famous people who are all from Doncaster

From the very well know to the unsung hereos, Doncaster has a lot to be proud of.

Of course we couldn’t do a list with everyone who is famous from living under the shadow of the minster church but here are some people you know and some you may be surprised to know lived or worked in our great town.

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