Don Your Way column: Enjoying TV delights of Scarborough from the comfort of the sofa

Darren Burke - loving Scarborough.Darren Burke - loving Scarborough.
Darren Burke - loving Scarborough. | JPIMedia
After the ups and downs of the last few weeks with some unusual working hours, things have returned to more of an even keel this week.

Mind, it has still been ridiculously busy with one thing or another going on over the course of the last seven days.

Taxi-ing the kids about, a Doncaster Rovers match, a family meal out, a trip to the pub, a quick blast down the M1 to London for reasons I won't bore you with, plus plenty more besides.

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If only the term 'even keel' could be applied to the continuing craziness unfolding in Parliament and corridors of Westminster. But let's not go there.

I made an unwritten rule months ago never to mention the dreaded B-word on here, but it's getting to the stage where it's nigh on impossible as it continues to affect us all on a daily, increasingly mad basis.

Keeping the nautical theme going (this column is going somewhere - and not down the drain before you ask) it's actually another Yorkshire town other than Doncaster this week.

And that's the coastal gem that is Scarborough.

Now, as the rain lashes down outside and it feels particularly autumnal all of a sudden, you might think its an odd time to start talking about a summer holiday destination.

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But, as you may know, Scarbados (as some call it) is very much firmly in the spotlight at the moment thanks to Benidorm writter Derren Litten's new BBC1 comedy drama named after the town in question.

I've been a lifelong fan of the town. From being a kid stuffing candy floss on the front, to teenage years shovelling money into the arcades, to an adult strolling with fish and chips en route to the Castle or round the harbour, its a place I've been drawn back to time and time again.

There's just something about the place I can't quite put my finger on it, but Scarborough truly is one of my favourite places on earth and if a year goes by without making a visit, I feel like I'm missing out.

So a TV series set in the town is ideal to fill those gaps. A chance to admire the stunning views and scenery, all from the comfort of my own sofa.

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If you've not caught it yet, make a date for Friday nights at 9.30pm.

No plot spoilers here, but all you need to know is that it stars Jason Manford and Catherine Tyldesley as a couple trying to get their relationship back on track and is just a simple slice of witty and entertaining comedy drama, ideal to unwind to at the end of the working week.

It's fun to spot the town's landmarks - the Grand Hotel, the sweeping bays and the main setting, the Newcastle Packet pub on the front, although in the show it has been renamed to The Good Ship.

It really is a charming bit of telly with an unfolding storyline (around some stolen missing and a local gangster if you haven't seen it) and others I've spoken to have also sung is praises.

And for Scarborough buffs like me, its a chance to enjoy our favourite place one more time as the colder winter months roll around.

Give it a watch. You might like it