Positive feedback from Crowle academy evening

A successful “settling in” evening was reported from Crowle’s North Axholme Academy.

The event caters for the year seven students who have moved up to secondary education from primary school.

This provides an informal opportunity for parents and/or carers to meet their child’s teachers, look at the work that they have been doing and find out more about the academy’s expectations and policies. 

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Parents/carers are encouraged to attend the evening with their child. 

In the hall work is displayed for all subjects which has been completed by year 7 students in their first half term at the academy. 

Parents/carers and their children can enjoy a refreshment whilst looking at the work and chatting to teachers about their child’s performance in lessons. 

During the course of the evening presentations are run in the diner by the vice principal and assistant principal to ensure that parents are aware of the key policies and routines at the academy.

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A spokesman said: “When your child leaves primary school and moves onto secondary school it can be a worrying time for both you and them. 

“At The Axholme Academy we do everything that we can to make this transition as smooth as possible for children and our Year 7 Settling In Evening allows us to reassure parents and carers that their child has settled in well or to address any issues at an early stage in their secondary education.”

Feedback from the recent event was reported as positive with comments from parents including

* “Very well presented and thought out”.

* “It has been very informative and not too formal”.

* “(Child’s name) has settled in really well and is thoroughly enjoying being a student at the academy”.