Readers' Letter: Thanks to kind children who helped me in Doncaster's Frenchgate Centre

Frenchgate CentreFrenchgate Centre
Frenchgate Centre

Please could you print a letter of gratitude to a group of children aged about 11-12 years old who were my angels when they helped me in the Frenchgate Centre on Thursday, October 28. They were near the escalator at approximately 12.30pm.

I asked them if they could take my shopping bags as I couldn't manage them, I was on my way to get my bus. They were most polite and eager to help me, but as I approached the escalator I went dizzy and couldn't get on, they were at the bottom by this time with my bags, they could see there was some confusion so they came back up.

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I was causing a gathering of people, some were complaining asking what was going on? One lady was really sweet saying "can't you see this lady isn't well".

The children came with me to the lift and stayed with me while I got on the bus, the young lady that was with them told the driver they were seeing me safely on the bus.

I was so grateful to the children I offered the older girl some money to get them all some sweets but she said they didn't want the money and kept giving it back to me.

I don’t know their names but I have wanted to write to you to say children today get bad press, but these young people did everything possible to make me feel safe and I am writing to the Free Press to praise their kindness.

Thank you very much.

Mrs H Godley


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