Ex-Humberside police chief jailed for 12 months

Humberside Police logo.Humberside Police logo.
Humberside Police logo.
A former Humberside police chief superintendent has been jailed for a year for a string of crimes, including aggravated stalking.

Colin Andrews was found guilty of witness intimidation, aggravated stalking, harassment and common assault at an earlier hearing in January.

At the same hearing he was cleared of rape, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and a further charge of common assault.

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Andrews was sentenced on Friday to a total of 12 months for his crimes at a hearing at Manchester Crown Court.

Chief Constable Justine Curran said: “I hope the conclusion of these proceedings sends out a clear message that criminal behaviour, regardless of the position or social standing of the offender, will be investigated and prosecuted.

“The Humberside Police Anti-Corruption Unit and the independent officers from Durham Constabulary worked tirelessly to put the case before the courts.

She continued: “They demonstrated real dedication and professionalism in extremely challenging circumstances.”

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At the time of his arrest Andrews arrest he was was the force’s Criminal Justice Unit Manager.

The investigation into Mr Andrews was started by the force Anti-Corruption Unit then carried out independently by Durham Constabulary, overseen by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Chief Constable Curran said: “We are continuing to work with Durham and the IPCC to review all the aspects of this case and we will act swiftly on any recommendations made.”

Andrews continues to be suspended from work and his future employment with Humberside police is currently being considered in accordance with the force’s internal conduct procedures.

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