DCLT become more environmentally aware

Terry Parker.Terry Parker.
Terry Parker.
Doncaster's biggest operator of leisures centres is hiring graduates, installing Biomass boilers and solar panels to become more eco friendly.

Doncaster’s biggest operator of leisure centres has drawn up major solar power plans in a bit to make its venues greener.

Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust (DCLT) runs 18 venues across the borough, including the Dome and most of the former Doncaster Council-run leisure centres.

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And bosses have outlined measures to make their sites more environmentally friendly.

Terry Parker, has been head of facilities and company secretary since 2015.

During his time in the role he has brought about many eco friendly changes to the sites and has big plans to do more for the environment.

He said: “We are conscious of the impact we have on the environment.

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“As leisure and fitness facilities we feel it’s important to also respect the environment.

“We want this planet to be home to our kids, we don’t want to be known as the generation who killed the environment.”

“We work on a three R’s principle at all our sites - recycle, reuse and reduce.”

Adwick Leisure Centre has a biomass gas boiler, which produces electricity by burning wood chips and old pallets.

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He sahis has had a massive impact both cost wise and on the environment.

“It has zero carbon emissions and is carbon neutral,” Terry explained.

Other methods that the DCLT use are variable speed drives which reduce the power motors use to save energy and building management systems which saves on heating, air conditioning and lighting.

They have also reduced the size of the car park at The Dome in order to encourage people to travel there via public transport.

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The trust is looking to hire a graduate to become their Environment and Sustainability Coordinator for the next year.

They hope this will enable them to navigate the modern world of eco friendly technology as well as give a great opportunity to a young person looking to enter the industry.

If you are interested in applying visit their website - https://www.dclt.co.uk/jobs-careers/environment-sustainability-co-ordinator/

“We also want to work on installing solar panels to three of our larger sites – the Dome, Dearne Valley and Adwick Leisure centers,” Terry said.

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Terry practises the same environment ethos at home as well as at work.

He said: “I love Doncaster it’s my home, it’s so positive and it’s growing.”

“My wife is a child minder and she teaches the kids all about recycling.

“It’s just second nature to us because if we don’t do anything then nothing will change in the future.”