'˜Good' Ofsted rating for Isle primary school

Staff and pupils at an Isle primary school are celebrating after receiving a '˜good' Ofsted rating following the latest inspection.

Belton Church of England Primary School maintained its ‘good’ rating after inspectors praised the leadership and pupils behaviour and personal development.

Headteacher Mrs de Looze was also singled out in the report that said: “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school.

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“Your strong and creative leadership has resulted in a cohesive team that provides pupils with a well-rounded education in a nurturing

environment. You have successfully led improvements to the quality of teaching and raised pupils’ achievement. Staff and governors value your good work. Parentsexpress high levels of satisaction and appreciation for how approachable and caring you and the staff are.”

The inspection took place on May 22 - five years after the school received a ‘good’ rating following the last inspection in November 2013.

Speaking about pupils inspectors said: “Pupils’ behaviour and personal development remain a strength of the school. Pupils are polite, well mannered and have a lovely sense of fun.

“They are extremely proud of their school.”

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Inspectors praised pupil progress but highlighted inconsistencies in maths.

The report said: “Analysis of the school’s own assessment data and pupils’ work show that most pupils are making good progress in each year group, although there are some inconsistencies in mathematics. Standard assessment tests in 2017 show that pupils left Year 2 with attainment well above the national average in reading and abovem average in writing and mathematics.

To improve further inspectors said subject leaders could develop their skills to secure consistently strong teaching, ensure pupils are given more opportunities to solve challenging problems in mathematics and continues to embed and strengthen the Year 6 curriculum.

Read the full report at https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk and search Belton Church of England Primary School